Growing up, I loved the reunion. To me it signaled the onset of summer. It has always been held in St. George, and every year we would swim to exhaustion and sunburn to the point of immobility. My sisters and I had crushes on our good looking older cousins and would giggle whenever they would throw us in the pool. We loved it when they included us in their night games of tag and hide-n-seek around the hotel complex. I loved watching my mom laugh and visit until unheard of hours of the night with her sisters, aunts and cousins...
Now my kids enjoy this family tradition every bit as much as I did. To them it signals the onset of summer. They swim to exhaustion, but thanks to spray-on sunscreen they don't have to experience that seared skin feeling. They love playing with their cousins, although it's the ones they see several times a week that they run around with. They love it when I sit out at the pool until unheard of hours of the night laughing with my sisters, aunts, and cousins...
This year was unseasonably cool in St. George. As we drove south through Beaver the temperature gauge said 36 degrees, and there were tiny snowflakes falling on our car. The weather did not deter us, however, thanks to resilient and determined kids, (a heated swimming pool and thick, snugly blankets), our yearly traditions were upheld! So much fun!!!
Cindy! Yay, now I get to look at your blog!! I am glad to see you had so much fun this weekend! As did I! :) ohh and by the way, I am serious about the whole trip thing, so you and Scott plan it and let me know of the dates!! :) Sure love you guys!!
Way fun cold weekend in St. George! Thank goodness for heated pools! I forgot Ciara's blog name, if you remember, will you let me know? Don't leave her with your kids! They would not have ANY fun with her at all! She is so boring!
Haha...thanks Cami!! :) But hey, if you and Tom want a weekend away too, just call me!! :) ohh and by the way my blog! Do you have one too?? Sure love you all!! I hope to see you all more often with me living up here now!!
Sounds like a bunch of crap to me. I mean the whether. I went to Yuba lake in Yuba, Utah with my babies daddy and it was freezing. All my kid did the entire time was bawl. He was probably scarred to see his mama and daddy blue in color from being so cold. I like the pictures you posted, but man alive, you sure have some homely relatives. I know that you and your biker babe husband are fairly nice looking people. I just don't get the whole passing DNR or genes or whatever down from one generation to the other?? Almost done with Lafonda's classy blog spot. I will let you know when I am up and open for readers.
Soooooooo much fun! Cami and I used to count down the days until I'm so happy that Cami was able to go this year! That lafonda is a piece of work, where did she come from?? ha ha ha!
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