Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Getting my Ducks in a Row

I have never been much of an animal lover. I adore my dog, Danny, but that adoration is the end result of a very heart wrenching experience I had last summer caring for and then ultimately losing a very sick little puppy. That story is one to be told at a later date. Today I have other animals to discuss. More specifically, ducks...We are now the owners of five little fuzzy, messy, squeaky ducklings. We became the owners of these little webbed feet wonders yesterday afternoon after they fell into our window well and were abandoned by their mother and siblings. They were discovered by our next door neighbors, and by the time I arrived on the scene of the rescue, my kids had them named.
I immediately called Jennie. She is the proud owner of ten little chicks (she actually bought them, they weren't just left in her window well by an irresponsible mother...) "Jen, how do I take care of ducks?"
Jennie is an angel...and much more of an animal lover than I am...she was so enthusiastic and excited about our new additions that it almost made me feel a little bit fortunate for this opportunity...nah...I really don't want them! She knew exactly where to go and what to do to care for these silly little creatures who walk in circles and over the tops of one another in their pursuit of a drink of water or a bounce out of their confining new home. I went to IFA as Jennie suggested and inquired about duck supplies. The little guy who helped me was just as thrilled about my new pets as Jennie was--am I the only cold-hearted person who would like to just take a trip to Sugarhouse Park and put these ducklings up for adoption? He gathered all of the supplies I would need to create a dry, comfortable and safe home for Afflack, Skywalker, David Archuleta, Brooke White, and Laylo. Sixty-five dollars and one fifty pound bag of dry turkey feed later...our babies have a home!

My kids are are all atingle. They think I am the greatest mom on the planet because I let them keep the ducks. Jennie told me they would always remember this experience and I know she's right. It's just a small sacrifice for the joy of my kids--right? I just sort of wish it didn't have to involve animals!!


Rachelle Woolley said...

You are a very, very brave and nice mom!! I personally would have named one Constantine, but that's just me :)

Lafonda said...
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cami said...

K so, Duston has asked me like four times since he saw the pictures of the ducks if he can come over and play with Luke and his ducks!
Oh, and by the way, a little girl in his class did a report on chickens today, and brought them in to show the class... He now wants chickens! I told him that Dixie would eat them, but he says that we can put them in a box on his shelf and they would be safe. So, I need to prepare myself for Sunday dinner at your house. I need to tell him ahead of time that we are not buying chicks or ducks!
You are a very nice mom, and brave! I 100% agree with rachelle!

jessica said...

You are such a good mom. We might have to come and visit your little ducks and your family. I am still dying to see your house. I hope that you are feeling okay. I love your blog, you really need to be a writer.