(compliments of Jaycee)
What's a vampire's favorite snack?
(compliments of Luke)
It's been all Halloween all the time around here as we prep for the SPOOKIEST day of the year!
Our family Halloween party on Sunday was packed with creative costumin', classic chili (served with a side of Fazoli's) eatin', game playin', picture takin', Braxton gazin', Treyson cuddlin', and orange frosted sugar cookie inhalin'!
The Oborns minus Ashton (darn strep throat) and Thom (he was going to be dressed as a bee keeper...cute!)
The Hallings...
bringing a little Christmas cheer to an eerie Halloween celebration!
Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus...nice to meecha! Plus...our beautiful girls who wanted to be..."hot guys!"
We have a nifty little "pumpkin patch" right around the corner from our house. There are loads of pumpkins to choose from right out of a convenient tawny-tinted(cardboard) bin!
Our ideal jack-o-lanterns-to-be were carved in a jiff thanks to Scott's ingenious idea and dexterity with a jig saw!
Jaycee was the only "Pebbles" at her Halloween parade this year! The pink wig and matching lipstick made her the envy of the fourth grade!
Luke hates his Batman costume ("it BUGS me!") (He REFUSES to wear the mask!) and is looking ahead to next year when he plans to dress as a "scary football player."
Trick or treating here we come...I am bracing myself for the onslaught of Reeses and Kit Kats!
Have a SPOOKTACULAR holiday!