"I need someone...by my side!"
My time in Haiti was spent working side by side with gifted doctors, surgeons, nurses and paramedics. Talented in their fields, and remarkably compassionate and charitable in their personal lives, these people guided, supported and comforted me through the most formidable endeavour of my life. Their examples, shaped by their experiences on various and multiple service missions prior to the earthquake, inspired me to dedicate myself to humanitarian service in the future (hopefully with them!).
Dr. Vishy Broumand...outstanding surgeon from Florida...kept us on our toes with his wit and fabulous sense of humor!
Dr. Herold Duroseau is a pediatrician from Brooklyn. He is originally from Haiti and was able to communicate with our patients both in word and thought...he lost family members in the quake and his dedication and compassion touched all those he came in contact with.
Kimberley Williams, RN from LA...my girl, my sister! Friends for life we share a love and devotion for Haiti that will produce great things in the future! Kim was my inspiration, confidante and protector through our week long adventure.
Ome and Marie Winter (interview with CNN) Ome (pronounced oh-me ) is the director of Mission Rescate, a Christian based group from the Dominican Republic, responsible for providing medical care, food, supplies and medication for hundreds of homeless and injured Haitian people. Our clinic developed and ran under the cloak of this incredible woman's efforts. Faithful and devout, Ome's life literally revolves around providing aid to others. Never in my life have I met a more humble servant of God.
Marie is a fabulous, sassy nurse practitioner who gave me Xanax and loads of invaluable advice!
Dr. John Briggs is a family practice physician who currently lives in Togo, Africa as a Christian missionary. I would frequently hear him ask the locals "have you met Jesus?" John's experience made him a valuable asset to the clinic.
(plus, he was brilliant! learned the language in three days!)
Merari Rodriguez, a nurse from Florida, has already been back to Haiti for another week! Adorable but tough as nails...Merari is a friend for life!
Kim, Mary Oestreich, RN and me at the mountain home of a generous Haitian pastor.
(2 days of (wicked!) diarrhea + 5 days of insomnia = me looking like THIS!)
Jonathan Cotton, RN from Los Angeles...mature well beyond his twenty-five years, and gorgeous to boot! Jon took care of me when I was dehydrated, listened to my woes about having the runs...IN HAITI, and expertly gave me IV fluid to perk me up for another day in the clinic.

We took a little field trip to the beach on a Sunday afternoon, a group of us accompanied by ever-protective police officers. Exhausted after several days of grueling, emotional work, the get-a-way proved exactly what we needed to rest and recharge. Although the beach was not overly scenic, it offered a respite from the noise, smells and chaos of camp. My colleagues and I were able to sit and talk, learn about one another and share stories about our "regular lives." I will forever cherish that time and that much needed escape. It was yet another experience that bound us together not only as medical volunteers, but as friends, life long friends who would forever share the remembered sights, sorrows, joys and triumphs of a country broken but not destroyed.
I needed someone...by MY side...I am grateful for those who stood by me, taught me, and loved me despite my inexperience, insecurities, (illness!) and fears.